Welcome to the Sager Family Blogspot. Please post your ballgames, Phase 10 victories, motorcyle trips, family pictures, and missionary updates.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


What a week! I can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas! Oh boy I'm excited. It always felt like we had to wait forever for Christmas but that's definitely not been the case-- Time flies!

I love that we focus on the Savior during Christmas. That sounds kind of odd but it's interesting to interact with people who don't even know why we celebrate Christmas.

We watched a slide show of pictures from across the mission and it was cool to see missionaries from the MTC as well as missionaries across the mission I've never ever seen!

We've started to read the book of mormon as a mission and really try to rediscover how much the Book of Mormon is a testimony of Chirst. We're counting all of the references to Christ (including pronouns) and it's incredible! I'm on page 12 (for real) and already have over 120. I'm excited to continue to give number updates for you (especially for Dad), it's powerful to begin to recognize how central the savior is to this work.

I love our Family christmas traditions and Pres and Sis. Dance shared some of theirs as she read a chain of scriptures from the book of mormon prophesing about Chirst birth. It was really powerful and i thought it might be a cool thing for our family to do sometime!--

Ether 3;14, 1 Nephi 11:13-22; 19:8-9; 2 Nephi 2:26; 25:19; Mosiah 3:5; Alma 5:48; 7:7 9:26-27; Helaman 14:2-6; 3 Nephi 1:12-14; 9:15-18.

I Love You!
Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

happy snow day!

.....it's a joy to be a missionary and testify about the truth and importance of this gospel-- and that's easy!

Every thing that I treasure is a direct blessing from being a member of this church.

Oh and I got the package this last week with peanut butter and protein bars! I've grown to embrace Latvian food, but those are two things that will always have a special place in my American heart. I love you!

Love, Elder Barnes

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Scotch Eggs & Hand and Foot

Sounds like a Sager Family Party to me! Christmas Party, Sunday at 3 at Bear's house.

Happy Christmas to all!

HEY! from Peter


Hey! Life is So good. Especially on a mission. And in RIGA! I love this place.

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I was shocked to find out that the family will be finishing the Book of Mormon. That's awesome! I remember a few years ago when I wanted to start over when we were halfway through but we decided to just keep going, and then it was our goal to finish before Christopher came home... I'm glad we kept going. I dare you to read it again before I return! Don't worry there's plenty of time, thank goodness. Dad asked some deep questions about the Russian Book of Mormon-- I hadn't really thought about it too much but Elder Hansen is hoping to read through the Book of Mormon this transfer (the best language study goal-- there's just power in reading the Book of Mormon) so I'll pay more attention to how it differs. The first time through I was just trying to pronounce all the words! People recognize my accent as American, the other day a man said that everything I say is very understandable. That's what counts!

Happy 12/12 to all!!!

I am grateful for your love, support and prayers which I truly feel daily. I love you all so much!

Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy December! from Peter

Dear Family,
Happy Holidays!!! I'm excited that it's officially the 12th and most joyous month of the year. It was awesome to hear about the family festivities in Eugene (and China) and it's been great to see the Christmas spirit pick up here in Latvia. I love this time of year when people really start to think about their family/loved ones and their hearts are softened.

The Russian language is coming well-- I love it! Elder Glauser taught me a principle I have really seen in that when you thrust in your sickle, the Lord lays your sheaves on your back. Elder Hillman and I study diligently, talk with everyone and try to speak Russian with each other (that's probably the hardest!) and it's been a blessing to see how the language really just comes. People often say something nice about how we speak (mostly Elder Hillman-- he's a pro!). Ha last week a guy asked us if we learned through the CIA. I said nope-- at the MTC. And he's like where's the Empty Sea? Ok. bad joke. But seriously Heavenly Father takes care of us.

I think that's all other than that I love you! A whole lot. We sang Families can be Together Forever to a lady yesterday whose whole family has passed away. There's nothing better than the gospel plan that allows us live together forever!
Ooh that Rhymes. Now I'm out of time...
I love you! Go Ducks.

Love, Elder Barnes