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Wednesday, April 29, 2009



I'm so happy for Christopher and Bethany, and it was a blast to read your detailed e-mails and feel your joy. It's great to hear that everything went smoothly and that so much family and friends could take part. Of course I would have loved to be there, and I know I won't be the first to say this but I know this is where I'm supposed to be. There's absolutely no doubt. Heavenly Father has the biggest and bestest plan of all, and I'm thrilled to know that like Christopher, Bethany, Elder and Sister Dickerson and many others, I am doing what he wants me to do.

Speaking of marriage, on monday Elder Brimley and I were riding into center on a marshroute (the little buses's) and I saw a very nice russian couple, the man sporting a shiny ring. I asked if they were together and he said that got married the week before. I excitingly told him that my brother just got married too! After that, we kind of just had some random thing in common, and they were interested in learning more about the gospel! So we set something up for saturday and we'll see what happens. I've learned that being real, interested in them, and quick to testify is just how missionary work get's done, and it's fun!

Richard is the man. We taught him at his apartment last week and I was again impressed with how respectable and prepared he is. He told us that his boxing name in America was "Richard Danas" and that we could look him up on google. That's not allowed for us, but you can if you want! He's tall, big, a little darker skinned, and I bet Mom would think he smells good, (although probably not while in the fighting ring). We talked about how Christ is the rock upon which we must build our foundation and we do that by learning and applying his doctrine. We challenged him to baptism and he replied that it was a big "honor," and would continue to think about it while reading and coming to church. He came to all three meetings again last week and the members did a great job of talking to him and helping him feel welcome. We're teaching him again this evening and it's just exciting. He'd be such a strong member and even asked us if they were any lessons that he could help us on with other people! Preach my Gospel has yet to make a key indicator for teaching with investigators present but we might have to start one. Although hopefully not for long!

Elder Brimley and I were in Siaulai monday for exchanges and that went great! We left Vilnius at 7:30 for a 4 hour bus ride and return home the next morning at the same time so it makes for a tiring and exciting adventure. For finding, most missionaries go "harvesting" or knocking which is a perfect way to get into someone's home and teach. I'm a big fan of contacting, it's a little less in your face and people can really see you as a normal person, and then they're more likely to listen. The other day on an exchange with Elder Seastrand (my "Brother!" from MTC district) we were walking between apartment "domes" and started talking to a group of kids outside playing basketball. Andre, about 18, was the oldest of the group and really interested. So we walked over to some benches, his seven neighborhood clan followed, we prayed and taught a great first lesson. Haha, Elder Seastrand said it felt like being Alma and just calling everyone to repentance. It doesn't always work out that quite picturesque but when times are rough, you only just appreciate how beautiful it will be!

We've got zone conference in Kaunus tomorrow and we're excited! I'm looking forward to the spiritual feast and inspiration, and it will be great to catch up with the missionaries there who i just love, including Elder Hansen who I served with in Riga is now in Klaipedia as the only Russian-speaker there! Oh and did you run into Elder Glauser in Utah?? I'm assuming that everyone in Utah knows who he is, at least that's pretty much how it is in the Baltics. I love the Baltics.

And I love you!

Love, Elder Barnes #12

Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Grandchildren

Here is the picture I took this weekend - love it! I posted more pictures from this weekend on my blog, so check it out if you want!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From: Peter Barnes Subject: YEA!

Dear family!

Welcome Home Grandma and Grandpa Barnes!!! I'm so glad to hear you're home safe, happy and healthy. Even though you're actually farther away from me this week, I had a moment of closeness at church on Sunday when President Geniadius and his wife came to our branch! He is the district president and wow they are incredible. The members just beam when they see them because they are close to all, and talked so highly of you! The woman (I feel horrible but can't remember her name for the life of me) said that Grandma Barnes changed her life, and even though she couldn't understand what she was saying, your gentleness and love in the way you interact with others left an impression on her she said she'd never forget. It was such a joy talking to them, and I was proud to be a Barnes!

Almost even better was seeing the one on one love President Geniadius has for the members. Before priesthood there was a single member that was about to leave but he came and talked with him, sat by him during the meeting and continued to support and encourage him for half an hour after the class. I don't think he knew anyone was watching, but it was clear how much he cared. I asked to take a picture with them both but President Geniadius kindly refused, saying that he very much dislikes pictures and his wife is the pretty one. So I got a picture with her, Enjoy!

A really great man, Richard came to church last Sunday and stayed for all three hours! Unfortunately that's not always the case, and when some members were leaving after the second hour he said “are you sure there's going to be another lesson.” I also realized how much new information it is for someone coming to church for the first time. We met Richard last Thursday night on the street. He used to be a professional boxer and lived a few years in America.

Starting the first lesson, he still thought that Mormons believe that Christ is the devil, but he read all of Moroni before Sunday and really enjoyed it. Still a Sunday school lesson about the priesthood and watching 45 min of General conference Priesthood session can be a lot of new information to take in! Haha he looked a little tired after church but we're teaching him again this week and I'm excited! He's responsible and really strong which is just a good combination.

We put up wall-paper yesterday for a man named Igor, a man Elder Brimley contacted a week ago. He's not super old or anything, but putting up Wall-paper by yourself would be tough! He was so grateful though and didn't believe we were doing this without pay and kept trying to give us anything he had. After we turned down the huge jug of Beer for the third time (we explained that we don't drink, but frankly thats pretty unbelievable that twenty year old kids don't drink), we sat down and taught him about the restoration. He just kept saying that what we were saying was so true and promised several times to come to church.

In a time when nearly everyone is thinking about money (and constantly asking where we get money to live) it's a big time blessing to not have to worry about where your next meal will come from. I recognize and am grateful that missionaries are allowed to do what we do because of the sacrifices of many and I know that Heavenly Father really does bless us in all things when we choose to keep all the commandments.

Zone conferences got changed to next Thursday so I'll give the update on the doctrines President Dance expounds in two weeks. That seriously is one of my favorite parts—he knows the scriptures like no one else. And that's also when we'll get all the mail sent to Riga so if I've yet to respond or thank you for a letter sent in the past month or two, don't worry, be happy!

Although I'm a dozen thousand miles away I can't help but hear the Wedding Bells! Congrats to Christopher and Bethany! I know I'm early but better early than late. One of my favorite quotes from General Conference was from Brigham Young about how he likes hearing the Bells of Hell. I bet as a parent you'd prefer Wedding Bells.

I love you all so much and I am thankful for your prayers. You are the best!

Love, Elder Barnes #12

Friday, April 17, 2009


Dear Family!

Happy Post Busy Season Life! Elder Brimley's dad is also an accountant, so we celebrated tax day as well. We got up, I said "hey happy tax day", he said "thanks" and then the rest of the day we were happy.

Teaching the gospel is just fun. I counted the jokes from General Conference and there were two a day between President Monson and Elder Packer with four a piece (which is saying something for Elder Packer because he only spoke once.) But I like the perfect balance they find between praising, teaching, smiling and calling us to repentance. Yeah, missionary work is a challenge and should be done diligently, but if you're not smiling something's wrong. Just yesterday we'd kind of had a long day of lessons falling through, and we were knocking and just pushing through. Than Elder Brimley poked me in the side, which is our "Be of Good Cheer" method we developed after conference, and we started smiling again. Three doors later a nice older couple and their two grandkids opened up, and after a minute or two let us in. I like trying to have a good attitude because it shows Heavenly Father we love him and his work.

We taught Shasha (the chinese man) the word of wisdom last week. His lesssons are my favorite. We speak russian, slowly and simply, and then the words he can't express he types into chinese on his phone which translates to english. He speaks decent russian with a sharp and clangy accent, but the best part is that he conjugates all past tense verbs in the feminine. Now Elder Brimley and I have picked up that habit as we SYL. But we've seen Shasha progress as he's finding time to read the book of mormon and increase faith in Christ. It's a blessing to grow up in a home where the life and importance of Jesus Christ was always taught. We watched Finding Faith in Christ with him and I think that was the first time he really got an idea of who Christ really was. If any of you have ideas of how to help him, please share! I'm guessing that Christopher ran into this a lot.

Other exciting news with the work involves a new lesson with two new guys named
Sasha(28) and Jenya(25). They're way cool and clean cut and looking for truth. We hadn't gotten through the whole lesson when he asked, "can we come to church on Sunday?" Haha I love that question. He then said, "we're following all that you say, but this is just a lot of new information and we need some time to take it all in." Really good lessons or general conference just make my body tired because I feel the spirit strong, but at the same time your insides are going a million miles an hour! I love that feeling.

Well I gotta go but I'm very excited for all of you, especially Chisos and Betty! Mom you're just amazing; hosting the frisbee team and wedding planning and never quitting, Good luck to Elyse on upcoming IB tests, and I hope Dad beats his carefully recorded PRs for his swim meet. And Tiges: just keep growing and maybe one day you'll beat me at basketball. Although I'm thinking to go Dad style and just never agree to play one on one ever again.

I'm happy and loving serving in Vilnius with Elder Brimley. Our whole district
stayed the same so we're looking forward to this transfer and hopefully helping this amazing branch grow!

I love you!
Love, Elder Barnes #12

Friday, April 10, 2009


The sun is continuing to shine in Vilnius and Elder Brimley and I keep on smiling. Watching general conference these past two days has just been a reminder to me of the blessing to be a member of the church, and especially to be serving a mission. In the closing prayer of Saturday Morning’s session, the man asked that God would help us share this message with everyone we meet. And I thought, Ha I actually get to do that! That is awesome.

Last conference we watched it broadcasted a week later(in English)but this time we’ve been watching one session every morning to keep the week-end more open for missionary work, and when we do go we’ll go with investigators and help them mingle with members. Conference is such a powerful boost; I totally took it for granted growing up. I remember looking at the clock in the chapel and being shocked that what felt like 3 hours was less than half way through—where as now I just don’t want it to end! We’ve only seen the Saturday sessions but some of my favorite talks have been from President Eyring on overcoming adversity ( haha although that word allows reminds me of Ernie Kent) and Elder Nelsons on prayer. But they all just teach the doctrine so clearly and sincerely. Sister Liffeth's talk on Reverence brings Revelation and Elder Christofferson's talk on Covenanted Christians are pretty much the same things Sister Dance and President Dance said at my last zone conference in Riga. I love the Dances! Being in Riga last week was really great, it was déjà vu all over again, and still feels like home. I get so trapped in our little bubble here in Vilnius, or even in the Baltics, but then you see General Conference and realize, wow there are miracles happening all over the world.

We have been teaching a man named Dima who came to the Russian branch last week which was a miracle (he has come to the Lithuanian branch because it’s at 2:00, rather than 10:00.) I think I’ve told you about him before but he’s 26, really cool and spiritual, and gets together weekly to play drums with guys from difference religions and counts himself as “a Mormon”. Which is great, he just isn’t baptized or living all of the commandments yet. We’re also still teaching Paval who’s come to church the last two weeks and is still trying to live the word of wisdom. Last Sunday in fast and testimony meeting a member (the wife of the Branch presidency councilor who baptized the new couple in the frozen lake) bore her testimony about doing missionary work. They have been friends with this family for 15 years, and she talked about how much joy and closeness has come into their relationship as they have accepted the gospel and now are just filled with light. But I really liked how she mentioned that as members you talk and talk a lot but sometimes you just need to grab someone by the arm or skirt and bring them to church. I don’t know if that’s the best or most legal thing to do… but I don’t thinks it’s a bad idea. But honestly being loving and bold is definitely worth it when you see the incomparable blessings that come from living the gospel.

Before I forget our preparation day will be next Thursday, because of transfers. This morning, the dozen missionaries in Lithuania went out to Trakai, a castle 30 KM outside of Vilnius. We took jumping pictures, had lunch, and played Frisbee. I’ll send a picture or two, because this place where we live is beautiful! Oh and I ran into the man from Kaunus who Grandma and Grandpa Barnes home taught, he remembered their names, told me they were amazing and wanted me to pass on a big Hello. He’s now President of the Lithuanian District and just the nicest man who everyone loves.

Welp, I love you! Thanks for you support!

Love, Elder Barnes #12