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Monday, September 14, 2009

Because i love you!

Hey, I was feeling bad after writing such a rushed and short email today. I especially appreciate the time you all take to write me each week and I even have a specific given time to write so I have no excuse for writing lame-os! I don't think it was a horrible e-mail, I can't even remember exactly what I said now, but I felt at the time like it was rushed,(because it was) so I just wanted to say sorry and send a few pictures because that's worth a couple thousand words, right? Plus we had to stop by the office tonight because we're heading to Tallin tomorrow and had to grab some things. We missed out on some "preparation day" because of a lesson so this is ok, don't worry we're not breaking rules:)

These pictures are from our morning work-outs, and after a district meeting in Kaunus, hence the picture of Grandma in the primary room with all the children!

I love you all so much! I'm so grateful for your prayers, and I know they are answered. We taught an absolutely amazing lesson this evening to a new man named Roman. He's about 25 and just SO excited about the Book of Mormon and church. We've only taught him twice but the spirit is really strong in the lessons because he comes to learn. We asked for a referral the first lesson and so he brought a friend (Liga) who lives by him, and she was really interested too! There will be more update on him next week! We're just so blessed.

Love, Elder Barnes #12

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