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Friday, October 2, 2009

Is this for REAL?!?!

Jenae Mission E-mails

Hokay, there is a very good chance this email will jump all over the place, but I only have 23 minutes left to try and describe to you the best week of my life!

Seriously, I love the MTC and as each day goes by I wish I have more than 4 weeks to try and soak in the Spirit and the learning that so easily takes place here each and everyday!

Let's start at the beginning...Joshy took me into the MTC on Wednesday and having him with me was a huge comfort. He is sort of Holy Ghost-like (quiet, loving and calming)...I hope that isn't blasphemy to say. So, I got here and was greeted and taken in my 3 Russian speaking missionaries (2 Elders to so-gentlemanly take my luggage, and one sister to take me where the Elders aren't allowed). The day went by so quickly after that that I can hardly recall what happened. We jumped right into a teaching experience with an "investigator" and from the get-go I could tell I was going to love everything about being a missionary.

We also met our companions!!! As I already said in that quick letter letting you all know I was alive, I think my companion may be an angel. Like really. Her name is Sister Kinikini and she is from Hawaii--she is a BYU-Hawaii student and lives right by the temple in Laie, Oahu!! Don't worry, I've already arranged a visit 2 years from now and she said she'll take us everywhere we need to go and teach us how to surf :)

I love teaching and studying with Sister Kinikini also. The Lord has definitely put us together to learn and grow from one another in ways I could have never imagined. She definitely has the whole "quiet dignity" thing down that we as sisters are supposed to have...and she is helping me. I just get a little excited sometimes about pretty much everything, so she's teaching me how to better control my joyous emotions--or at least direct them into a softer outlet :)

As I said, the Lord is blessing us. Through fasting and prayer we have grown together and been able to teach through the Spirit and know that the message we bring is one of peace, joy, hope and love. I love her.

Our district is also SO great! There are 4 sisters, all Temple Square, and 5 Elders, all heading to the Canada, Calgary mission (Elder Cody Crippen's Mission!). We daily learn from one another and our teachers are wonderful. It is also an interesting dynamic between the sisters and elders...the best way I could describe it is like suddenly being blessed with thousands of younger brothers, 5 who we spend most of our time with...and you know you love them and we definitely learn and grow together, but it is also apparent that they are younger brothers. ;) Sisters and Elders just opperate so differently, and I suppose that's one element that is helping this work move forward so quickly!

Alright, I am almost out of time!!!...Lets see, what else?...I see friends EVERYWHERE here!! I think I might actually know half of the MTC teachers (all from BYU), and there are a bunch of other missionaries we all know and love that I see too! Speaking of which, Elder Kyle Baird just walked by (I am in the laundry room) and he says hi! He is a stellar missionary and it is so great to see him all the time (although hard not to hug him still!), don't worry Jess, I've already arranged the marriage...

I also see sister Sarah Zitting everywhere, it is the best.
Guess who else I saw?! CHRISTOPHER AND ELYSE BARNES! They were here volunteering and just happened to walk out to the same area I had just walked out to! I also met an Elder BARNES a few days ago! (He is Peter's cousin, Cambodian speaking going to Claifornia I think...)

I also have seen Brother Bodine, he teaches one floor up!

Alright, I have to end this, but I just wanted to tell you all that I love you beyond measure. This work is true and I cannot wait to proclaim it to the world! And it IS the world! There are sisters in here right now going to temple square from EVERYWHERE!-Napal, Japan, China, Australia, Spain, UGANDA (now SHE has an amazing life story), and MANY more. I love them all and cannot wait to serve on the square. Your prayers and support are felt and letter are the most wonderful parcels of joy ever. Send all my love and even more my solid and sure testimony that the gospel of Jesus Christ is restored on the earth today and it is the only way to true happiness. I love you all! till next week!


Sister Brett #3

P.S. I think I want to be a missionary forever. yep, yep I do.

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