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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy THIRD day of November! from Jenae Brett

Hello beautiful family!

I just love you all so much. We had Relief Society yesterday! Oh, church works differently here (don't worry the same doctrines are taught though :)...We have just sacrament each Sunday at 7:30am with all the sisters, Senior couples(the husbands pass the sacrament), and mission presidency, and then we get Relief Society every other Monday morning at the same time because we can't afford to be off the Square.
So, Relief Society was wonderful and the lesson was about eternal families! I think that is my favorite topic...ever. We ended with talking about a quote from Joseph Smith- he said "Parents who love support, and pray for their children bring immeasurable blessings into their children's lives." I am a living testimony of the truth of that statement. As I read your letters and emails, and as I feel the power of your support and prayers I am motivated to want to be better, to work harder and testify through the Spirit to more people so they can know of the possibility of having their own eternal family!

Okay...our miracle for the week:
Yesterday morning was really slow on the Square, but Sister Beylis and I had planned for a language tour and prayed it would come. So, 15 minutes before we had planned to find our Russians or Israelis, we got a page (yeah...we use pagers. I don't even know if I have seen a pager in my life until now). Anyhoo, we responded and found out there were 20 Russians who just got on the Square and were interested in a tour! Haha, WHAT?!? Big language tours like this don't happen a whole lot unscheduled during the winter-time. So we got there and guess who we were taking on a tour? The 2010 Ruassian Olympic Luge Team! They are here training in Park City for a few weeks and decided to come see the sights. It was SO fun! I may not speak Russian, but I had fun attempting to communicate nonetheless. We had taken the Russian Speed Skaters on a tour a few weeks ago, but this one was completely different from the very start. They listened, they were more receptive than many of the russians we have taken around have been...and three of the referrred to hear more from the missionaries! Oh yeeah. Miracles do happen.

Alright, I have to go because we are way limited on time, but we may be able to pick of 5 minutes later tonight, we'll see!

I love you all and am ALWAYS praying to you!


Sister Nay Nay Brett #3

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