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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Missions are the best. So is the 3rd day of the 12th month.

From Jenae Brett:

Hey Family!

HAPPY 12/3... aka: PB&J day!!!!

I am so sorry it's been over a week since I've written! Last week was just so insane with transfers and Christmas lights going up on the Square that we only got part of our preparation day!

It sure has been exciting around here though. Like mentioned, the Christmas lights are now turned on each night on Temple Square and it is complete and overwhelming insanity each and every night! It has been really fun though. Each night has a unique feel as well--Monday night lots of families come for FHE, Tuesday and Wednesday are PACKED to the brim with mutual groups from all over the place, Thursaday night draws out more non-members who come to watch the Tab choir practice and visit Temple Square, Friday and Saturdays are always fun and awkward as we have a night full of date-interupting, and Sunday, well Sunday is the the Sabbath and is always special :)

Highlights of the past 2 weeks...
-The lights coming on= TONS more people, more smiles, more missionary opportunities, and a greater chance to share the reason for this beautiful season---JESUS CHRIST.

-This past week the Barnes family visited!!! It was pretty unexpected and they actually came right in the middle of the ONLY hour I had on the Square that day so it was perfect timing! (I was in the call center, office and Beehive house the rest of the day). Anyhow, Sister Tyree and I were blessed to be able to take them through the same family presentation that Sister Beylis and I took you all through a few weeks ago. I just love how every family truly brings a unique spirit to the already wonderful spirit on Temple Square. Being with the Barnes for a little bit felt a lot like being with my very own family and I am one lucky sister for that very reason!

It baffles me how someone could deny how special families are, and it makes complete sense that Satan #1 tactic is to break down families. When Bethany showed me her little tummy with Baby Barnes inside I just couldn't help but think what a divine plan our Father in Heaven has for us. What better way would there be to become like our Savior than to become stewards over one another in family units just as He is the great shepherd of us all? I dunno about chu, but I can't think of any better way.

-Yesterday, Sister Tyree and I were in charge of "opening" and "closing" the Joseph Smith movie, and we had a really neat experience. There was a couple we had just taken on a tour that wanted to see the Joseph Smith movie, so we took them there and talked a little bit beforehand about the movie and what it is depicting. They were, however, pretty uninterested in trying to believe. The man said something to the effect of "God spoke to a 14 year-old boy? hmm, that sounds a bit far-stretched if you asked me." Soooo, we did our best, bore our testimonies and started the movie. Then, afterwards, two guys came right up to us after the movie with tears in their eyes and down their cheeks. One was named Gregg and the other Stephen. We learned that Gregg had had his first discussion with his missionaries the day before, and already knew it was all true. He said that at the end of the discussion they asked if he would pray, and he uncomfortably said okay...then one of the elders suggested he even pray right then and there to know if what they had taught was true...so he did! He explained that as he sincerely and vocally asked, "it was like someone was pouring a bucket of warm water over my head and heart." Gregg's life was going downhill fast, and the light in his eyes and excitement he carried showed the hope and faith he had that through Jesus Christ he could turn everything around-including his failing marriage (his wife is a member and he hasn't been willing to listen for years).

As I thought about the difference between the couple before the movie and the two friends after I realized how blessed we can be if we merely are willing to come with a sincere and broken heart. God will unfold the way to happiness, all we have to do is ask and be willing to act on the answer we receive. I know that is true, and the joy I felt as Gregg shared his new and joyful testimony with us is the joy I want everyone in the world to feel!

I have to go, but I sure love you all and I was so happy to hear the Spokane reception went so well!

All my love and prayers,
-Sister Nay Brett#3

P.S. Happy almost Christmas break! You can make it!
P.P.S. Tell Jess all that extra time could be used dropping her sister a
letter...just maybe....LOVE YOU!

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