Welcome to the Sager Family Blogspot. Please post your ballgames, Phase 10 victories, motorcyle trips, family pictures, and missionary updates.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


What a week! I can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas! Oh boy I'm excited. It always felt like we had to wait forever for Christmas but that's definitely not been the case-- Time flies!

I love that we focus on the Savior during Christmas. That sounds kind of odd but it's interesting to interact with people who don't even know why we celebrate Christmas.

We watched a slide show of pictures from across the mission and it was cool to see missionaries from the MTC as well as missionaries across the mission I've never ever seen!

We've started to read the book of mormon as a mission and really try to rediscover how much the Book of Mormon is a testimony of Chirst. We're counting all of the references to Christ (including pronouns) and it's incredible! I'm on page 12 (for real) and already have over 120. I'm excited to continue to give number updates for you (especially for Dad), it's powerful to begin to recognize how central the savior is to this work.

I love our Family christmas traditions and Pres and Sis. Dance shared some of theirs as she read a chain of scriptures from the book of mormon prophesing about Chirst birth. It was really powerful and i thought it might be a cool thing for our family to do sometime!--

Ether 3;14, 1 Nephi 11:13-22; 19:8-9; 2 Nephi 2:26; 25:19; Mosiah 3:5; Alma 5:48; 7:7 9:26-27; Helaman 14:2-6; 3 Nephi 1:12-14; 9:15-18.

I Love You!
Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

happy snow day!

.....it's a joy to be a missionary and testify about the truth and importance of this gospel-- and that's easy!

Every thing that I treasure is a direct blessing from being a member of this church.

Oh and I got the package this last week with peanut butter and protein bars! I've grown to embrace Latvian food, but those are two things that will always have a special place in my American heart. I love you!

Love, Elder Barnes

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Scotch Eggs & Hand and Foot

Sounds like a Sager Family Party to me! Christmas Party, Sunday at 3 at Bear's house.

Happy Christmas to all!

HEY! from Peter


Hey! Life is So good. Especially on a mission. And in RIGA! I love this place.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I was shocked to find out that the family will be finishing the Book of Mormon. That's awesome! I remember a few years ago when I wanted to start over when we were halfway through but we decided to just keep going, and then it was our goal to finish before Christopher came home... I'm glad we kept going. I dare you to read it again before I return! Don't worry there's plenty of time, thank goodness. Dad asked some deep questions about the Russian Book of Mormon-- I hadn't really thought about it too much but Elder Hansen is hoping to read through the Book of Mormon this transfer (the best language study goal-- there's just power in reading the Book of Mormon) so I'll pay more attention to how it differs. The first time through I was just trying to pronounce all the words! People recognize my accent as American, the other day a man said that everything I say is very understandable. That's what counts!

Happy 12/12 to all!!!

I am grateful for your love, support and prayers which I truly feel daily. I love you all so much!

Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy December! from Peter

Dear Family,
Happy Holidays!!! I'm excited that it's officially the 12th and most joyous month of the year. It was awesome to hear about the family festivities in Eugene (and China) and it's been great to see the Christmas spirit pick up here in Latvia. I love this time of year when people really start to think about their family/loved ones and their hearts are softened.

The Russian language is coming well-- I love it! Elder Glauser taught me a principle I have really seen in that when you thrust in your sickle, the Lord lays your sheaves on your back. Elder Hillman and I study diligently, talk with everyone and try to speak Russian with each other (that's probably the hardest!) and it's been a blessing to see how the language really just comes. People often say something nice about how we speak (mostly Elder Hillman-- he's a pro!). Ha last week a guy asked us if we learned through the CIA. I said nope-- at the MTC. And he's like where's the Empty Sea? Ok. bad joke. But seriously Heavenly Father takes care of us.

I think that's all other than that I love you! A whole lot. We sang Families can be Together Forever to a lady yesterday whose whole family has passed away. There's nothing better than the gospel plan that allows us live together forever!
Ooh that Rhymes. Now I'm out of time...
I love you! Go Ducks.

Love, Elder Barnes

Sunday, November 30, 2008

HEY! Happy Thanksgiving! from Peter

Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 7:56 am ...on a day like today, it's hard to be anything but grateful! Preparation Day was switched to today and it's been a great thanksgiving! We spent the majority of the day as a district making food and eating so I only have 24 minutes and counting so I'll cut to the chase-- the investigators! They are what makes missionary work exciting!


There have been many highlights of this week and today thanks to thanksgiving. I've been amazed at the the happiness that comes from focusing on gratitude. Nearly all the instances of joy/happiness in the scriptures are related to gratitude, and the happiest people I know are always some of the most grateful!. So it's a commandment to be grateful-- again it's just another way for Heavenly Father to give us blessings. Life is just one big blessing.

It felt like I was at home reading all of your 5 kernels! I've just decided that that is definitely my favorite family tradition. At our district dinner we carried the tradition on—it was so neat. Unfortunately Elder Hillman and I had been slowly eating away our candy corn stash so we could only do 3 candy corns each.... but here are mine!

1)Family-- I love that God put us in the families that He knew would bring us the most joy.

2)Food-- Like Tigey I think food is pretty crucial to staying alive. It's hard to describe how unworthy I feel always having food on our plates-- that's definitely a blessing. Also the scriptures are definitely food to the soul!! Not only do they have the power to heal the wounded soul, but they can make us SO full with knowledge, the spirit and joy.

3)Prayer-- Elder Scott said God has created numberless universes, but we can communicate with him in humble prayer and He will always answer.

I love you!!

Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

HEY! from Peter

What a treat of a week! The work is continuing to fly forward-- and it was great to have a double helping of how life is for the Barnes family all around the world! I'm happy and comforted to hear that Grandpa's surgery went well-- I pray that his recovery will continue to be quick. But with Grandma and Heavenly Father watching out for him, I'm confident that there's not a more loving and caring combination!

The miracle of this week and month has been Zentar. We had our fourth lesson with him this week and I'm always amazed at his desire to read, learn and follow the Savior. I've talked about him before I think, but Zentar is the decathlete with a family of two daughters. We've yet to meet with his family because he lives 40 min outside of Riga and takes the tram into church for lessons. After one week of meeting with him, he'd read from 3rd Nephi 11 to the end and had
incredible understanding. He even said that the Book of Mormon fully supports “that bible” but just explains things more concretely. We challenged him again to baptism during monday's lesson of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but he said he wants to be baptized with his family.

As we had planned the lesson in the morning, we wanted to bring up how the gospel blesses families and Elder Hillman thought it would be good to share Lehi's dream. So in the lesson, we went to 1 Nephi 8 and read the first twelve verses-- it was powerful to see the connections and how Lehi partook of the fruit before his family. We explained that sometimes we just have to show how important something is and others will see and want to follow. I love the scriptures-- I feel the Spirit so strongly because they were written for our day and tell us exactly what God expects of us. I know I've had questions that I ask in prayer and Heavenly Father has already answered in the scriptures. Usually multiple times!

That's why a prophet is so crucial too-- because if we just follow the things he tells us to do everything will be ok! I've been reading a General conference talk every morning for the last month and that's also helped me appreciate the power of applying the words of God to our daily live. Granted it's probably a little easier to do that when our daily live involves talking about the words of God all day...

We have been unable to contact Yurdan the last 5 days-- he's still without a job and so his phone is turned off. We also don't know his address because we always just met at the church in center. In our last lesson a week ago, he was still really down about being without work but had made great progress with quitting smoking. I still have a lot of hope for him because his testimony is strong-- I pray daily that the Lord will again provide a miracle so that we can come into contact! It's always comforting to me that because this is the Lord's work, when we do our best, He will make things happen.

Holy cow, thank you for the Thanksgiving feast!! I received that package on Monday, and who knows how much of the food will be left by next thursday! We try to be a little grateful every day so I figure it's okay. Just kidding. But seriously we're saving the majority. Although the pie crust was all over in the box. Don't worry, Elder Hillman and I took care of that quickly. I was already at a culinary disadvantage trying to re-create Dad's Famous Chocolate Pie and without the graham cracker crust, one of the two key ingredients, I'm not sure how we'll make do. Thank You, Thank you!

Thank you all for your prayers. There have been multiple moments but this week was an especially memorable time as we were knocking doors (which we usually do daily from 4:30 when it's dark, till we go home) when I really just felt lifted up. It had been a few hours and I really just had a distinct thought put into my head that said “have faith.” From that moment I did my best to smile more or just know that the prepared family was around the corner.

A few floors later we were talking to a woman who said she had no time because she was busy after coming home from work. She continued to talk and we continued to listen, nod, and smile. After a while I told her that since it had been so pleasant to talk for 10 minutes, we'd love to just come in and share a 15 minute message. After that we got to know her better, she made ginger tea, Elder Hillman played "Be Still My Soul" on the piano and before we knew it we were teaching her the message of the Restoration! As I recited the first vision, thoughts popped into my head of our family, and the countless blessings the Gospel has given us.

Later Elder Hillman and I noticed how it really didn't feel like we had to try to speak or understand throughout the lesson. To make a long story short-- I'm very grateful for the Spirit because without it this work would be impossible!

I'm forever grateful for seminary and how Mom, Bishop Steve, and Bishop Richey helped us fall in love with the scriptures. One of my favorite things every day is study. I'm beginning to better understand what feasting on the words of Christ means-- the scriptures are an incredible tool for teaching, learning and living the gospel!

As always-- I love you!

Love, Elder Barnes

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey family!, Love, Elder Barnes

This week continued to be one big blessing from Heavenly Father. We are so blessed.

I love the promise in 3rd Nephi 18:20. I've seen this simple process of ask and receive over and over in these last quick months.

Elder Hillman and I had a great second lesson with a man named Zentar. He's a contact from the Latvian Elders, a 45 year old man with a wife and 2 daughters. He's a decathlete, about 6'5” and studly! Even better, he loves reading the book of Mormon and I bet he'll finish within a few weeks. We've challenged him to baptism but he wants to make sure he can really commit before he accepts. He's a very kind and intelligent man and would make an excellent bishop. He actually kind of looks like Dad, just taller, with a mustache and speaks ridiculously fast Russian. And probably isn't as good of a swimmer. We're meeting with him tonight so I'll deliver more good news next week!

The Gospel of Happiness blesses families. It's impossible to find happiness all on your own.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Family....Love, Elder Barnes

HEY! I'm pretty sure that I say this in every e-mail but I'll say it again because it's true. The Lord blesses his missionaries with miracles! Elder Hillman and I are enjoying continuing to serve together and we've been trusted with some amazing people to teach which makes the work exciting and busy.
I love you all so much! Thanks for your prayers, constant support and encouraging words! I received a batch of letter this week, (majority from Mom, those are the best) and I was warmed by all your love and care. I just hope you're not all too jealous because there's nothing better than being a missionary!

Love, Elder Barnes

P.S. Did President Obama's biceps look pretty big during his acceptance speech? Christopher and I did give him a few weight-lifting tips.

( http://rksagerfamily1.blogspot.com/2008/05/peter-pumps-iron-with-obama.html )

Monday, October 27, 2008

Peter's Epistle Excerpts

Dear Family,

Whew time flies! The work continues to go well here in Riga and we're continually blessed with Heavenly Father's Help.

I mentioned that we've been struggling with helping investigators have the strong desire to apply the gospel and change. Throughout conference I especially paid attention to learn what I could do to help. And the answer came not as one concrete revelation but more as a reminder of something we ask our investigators to do every day- pray! I love that the same scripture and promise that sparked the restoration of the gospel is the same challenge we all have to find the
answers to our questions and solutions to our problems; ask God! And it's been clear in the miracles this last week that God provides for our righteous desires.

In my studies this week I read in Jacob 4:3 where Jacob talks about fulfilling the commandment Nephi has given him to engraven their teaching in the golden plates. He mentions how they labored diligently and it brought them joy. There is a direct connection between being diligent and receiving joy in all that we do. There is so much joy and peace to be found in our Father's great plan!

I think that is all for this week-- I love you all so much. Thanks for your support!

Love Elder Barnes

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sager FHE

Leaf Rake Soup

It's kind of like a Sager Secret Supper - bring of can of something and we'll dump it all into a big pot of soup! Really - it's fun!!!

See you at LR and jNae's, Monday night the 20th, 5:30 with your can of ????

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spiritual Feast Week!

Another interesting experience happened on Sunday. I contacted a man on the back of a bus last Tuesday, his name is Artur ... We gave him a book of mormon, had him read the introduction, and told him to pray and read before our next meeting. ... it was a testimony to me that people's hearts are changed when they recognize and want to learn truth.

I've never really appreciated conference like I did last week-end. It was amazing!! The general authorities teach with such power. I love how they unfold pure doctrines and inspire us to do better. ... I'll just highlight some of the favorite things I got out of it.

--Elder Lawrence Corbridge's talk on the Savior was just powerful. Many missionaries called it a "throw-down"--because about 75% of his talk was scripture and he spoke with a lot of umph and authority. He talked about how Christ is the Way. And "any other way, every other way, whatever other way is madness." The talk was on Saturday afternoon and I'd recommend going back to watch it if you missed it. ... He just explains very clearly that through the Savior and his Atonement is the only way back to heavenly father and true happiness, which are one in the same.

But the most cherished things I learned at conference were things that only Heavenly Father could teach me by the spirit. I know that whenever we have any questions, studying by the Spirit words spoken or written with a prayer in our hearts is the best ticket to personal revelation.

Is it weird to anyone else that October is halfway over?

Love!, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Hey!" from Elder Barnes

It is getting harder and harder to select an excerpt from Peter's lessons. He shares his testimony so beautifully throughout the entire letter. Contact Kathy and ask to be put on her forward list if you want to read his letters. Here's a bit from this week...

The gospel is true and it's exciting to find those that are prepared to listen!

The other family ...... are very humble, and I was touched when the mother talked about receiving answers to prayers in her life. I know that God does know us each individually and that he listens to all of his children that pray sincerely.

In my studies I read the scriptures in 2nd Nephi 1:26-27 when Lehi explains to his sons why Nephi has had to speak so boldy to them. It explains that because Nephi was so in tune with the Spirit, he couldn't help but tell them exactly what God wanted them to hear. As I've been working with Elder Glauser, I've learned a lot about the power and importance of being a bold missionary. I've seen that when you really love someone, you will expect the best for them, no matter how hard it may be for them to hear. It reminded me of Dad, and the long, long saturdays we would spend doing yard work on Brookside Drive. I used to hate that. But I know that he only made us do that because he loved us. It's become very clear that the easy way is almost never the best. And then I thought about the love of our Heavenly Father. God is very bold. He's always told us exactly what we need to do, knowing full well that if we do it, we will be happy.

I love you all!
Love, Elder Barnes

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Peter sends a Bunny Bunny Rabbit

...After having only a little experience as a missionary, I love recognizing the one-line promises that happen every day. One of them goes something along the lines of "as you live righteously, you will be led to people who are prepared to hear the Gospel, or the Lord will lead them to you."

We are also all very excited for General Conference!!! There's so many ways to receive personal revelation but prayerfully going into conference with questions/concerns/desires to learn is definitely one of the best. I just love that the Church is so true.

Love, Elder Barnes
P.S. Go Cougs!!! O.S.U.?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This Week's Peter Letter Excerpts

...I'm constantly reminded of how I felt my first week in the field--often a little bit sick or just overwhelmed at all that lies ahead. But with time life as a missionary just gets sweeter, especially as I focus on the wonderful people that we are working with and their progression....

I think one reason that many missionaries learn so much on their mission because there are many chances to be humbled! In her e-mail, mom asked me if there was any time where I felt the Spirit help me get through a hard day. I'd say: Yup! Everyday. It's hard to explain but I love something that President Gibbons (area presidency) said at the last zone conference: "this work is only hard if you try to do it alone." I think that applies to all areas of life. I can see with our investigators that Heavenly Father is always ready to help, we just have to recognize how he helps us!

I love you all so much and am so grateful for the support and love that you show to me!Love, Elder Barnes

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Excerpts from Peter's Letter

I love it when Kathy forwards Peter's letters. I just had to share some of his words with you. I love hearing his missionary spirit. There is a lot missing here - I just copied and pasted the words that made me smile today.


I love being a missionary!

I really feel comfortable here and I wake up excited to be able to do this work. It really is a blessing!

The Lord wasn't joking when he said ask and ye shall receive. Prayer, daily scripture study, and living faithfully are the quickest ways to the best answers. I love this gospel!

Sometimes I almost forget that I live in Latvia. And then I remember and it always makes me happy!

I think about you often and pray for you always,
Love Elder Barnes

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seymour Brunson Monument Dedication, August 15, 2008

One-hundred-sixty-eight years after Seymour Brunson's death, a monument was erected in Nauvoo, Illinois.

Life Sketch: http://seymourbrunson.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Presidency

I want to introduce you to Pres. Eyring, Pres. Monson and Pres. Uchtdorf.

First glimpses...

....of the new baby joining our family in February - enjoy! Here are the girl's reactions when we told them last week...
Brianna: We are absolutely NOT having another baby!
Mom: Why not?
Brianna: Because you're not in the hospital!
Kaylee: But Mom, your belly's not big.
Mom: No really, we are! (While trying to hold back the laughter)
Brianna: No, you're just teasing, you're smiling!
Kaylee: I hope it's a boy, we have enough sisters!
Brailee: Baby! Baby!
Once I showed them the pics from the ultrasound yesterday, I think they all finally believe me!
3-D - see that little face!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Grandma Sager - we love you! Since your card is going to be late, here is a 'card' for today!
I hope Logan and Rylan had a happy b-day yesterday, too! I posted pics of David's 'party' on my blog.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Riverton Dance Recital

I had a fun week with Jena's family. For more pics, go to my blogspot. Love you all!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So I realized today it was 30 years ago we came to the Black Hills as a family

This was my view of Mt. Rushmore after a 30 year absence:

See my blog for more.
Love to all,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eugene, Oregon

This weekend will always hold a special place in my heart. It is wonderful to be part of such a great family and I am so grateful for the love we all feel for each other and for the ties that bind us together forever. Yes, I said FOREVER - so don't you forget it! Love always, jNae

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Peter Pumps Iron with Obama

Although Peter declined the running mate offer due to his 2-year commitment to serve a mission, he did take the opportunity to workout with his bud - Barack.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Family Pics...

I thought it would be fun to start this blog out with some of my favorite pics of the family...enjoy!

This will be a work in progress. Please play along and keep in touch. I sure do love you all! jNae