Hello wonderful family!
Let me begin by sending out my love and thank you's to everyone for the wonderful mail I received this week. Packages, letters, postcards--thank you all! Mail is a missionary's best friend (Well, besides the Lord, the Holy Ghost, her companion, her mission president and her family of course...;)
It was great to get updates about what the clan is up to. and KOBE TOOK HIS FIRST STEP!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Will you give him a HUGE kiss from Aunt Nay PLEASE?! Oh my adorable. Are Britt and Jer just so excited? That is crazy.
I am sorry to hear JosiePosie is sick. Tell her to get better soon so she can get out on that volleyball court, Prairie View needs her! But on the up side...it sounds like she did a great service to Mom who got to stay home and get so much accomplished! (and jessie too who probably pulled the 'senior' card to stay home ;)
Oh my word, I LOVED your Homecoming dresses Jessie! Mom, you once again out-did yourself. Beautiful. I especially like the floor-length version she wore to Shadle's Homecoming. Jess, you are so gorgeous, in SO many ways!
Okay, once again this week has been spectacular! I learn new things each day...and then re-learn things I have already been taught but needed to be reminded about. We lead a lot of language tours this week (and when I say 'we' I mean Sister Beylis), and it was great. I pretend to understand, but I just fool everyone because I only know words in Hebrew and Russian such as "Hello, thank you, yes, no, Book of Mormon, Temple, Tabernacle, Jesus Christ...etc" )...okay, I don't actually fool anyone, but I do love taking language tours. I may not understand the words, but they are helping me be much more aware of the Spirit on our tours. There are times when I just KNOW Sister Beylis is testifying of pure truth because everyone tends to listen more intently because there is a special feeling that enters our hearts when we hear or bear pure truth, and that's THE SPIRIT! Thank goodness for this tool in missionary work, without it...well, we would merely be tour guides who know and claim a lot about Mormonism and sort of remind a lot of people of a cuter version of Catholic Nunns. But we aren't! We are ordained servants of the Lord SENT to testify through the Spirit of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today! Grandma and Grandpa Butters, make sure you tell those elders that this is true and because of this great reassurance we must perform great miracles, and we can!
mmm, I will share a few miracle moments from this week. Man, where do I even begin though?!
Okay, so Sister Beylis and I planned on helping Sister Mok (from Hong Kong) and her companion on a motor-coach tour--- a motor-coach tour is one with more than 15 people. This particular tour had 101 Asians visiting Temple Square from China! When we got there we weren't needed however, so we decided to pick up the next group coming in from the airport shuttle. But, before I tell you about our miracle tour, let me just tell you about how prepared China is for the gospel--- Sister Mok's tour ended with an 100% REFERRAL RATE. That means that every single person on the tour of 101 wanted to learn more about the gospel from missionaries! WOAH!!!!! We enter all these referrals and they will be on record for the very second a mission is opened up in China, and when that amazing moment hits, the gospel is going to EXPLODE in Asia!!!!!!!!! PLEASE join our prayers that China will open up soon!
Okay, so the other miracle happened on our tour with two couples who are traveling around the United States. One, Ken and Debby are from Alberta, Cananda, and the other, Bill and Barb are from Bend, Oregon. It began much like any other historical tour, getting to know them, why they are here, where they are going, about their lives and families, etc. We were lucky because both of these wonderful couples were question askers. And they weren't just asking to ask or to argue, they were asking to know and to learn. So, we took them to the Assembly Hall, Tabernacle and outside the Temple. We taught them history, but through history taught principles and beliefs such as eternal marriage and families, sunday worship, Book of Mormon, and much more. You would be amazed at how well the history of our church and temple square link to teaching the lessons in Preach My Gospel, especially the first lesson! oh, and I have learned so much about history and doctrine and how to relate them!
Anyhow, we both felt good about the tour and that we should finish it in the Scriptures and Revelation area in the basement of the North visitors center. This is SUCH an amazing display to teach from because it begins with ancient prophets and their teachings we read in the Bible, goes through the life of Christ and then links to Joseph Smith and latter-day prophets. We taught basically the entire first lesson- god loves us, He calls prophets, dispensations and apostasy, Jesus Christ, The Restoration and Joseph Smith, and then the Book of Mormon. No other in mission in the world has such an amazing and visual way to teach these basic truths, it is such a blessing!
So, as we taught them of them of the Restoration the Spirit became very evident-to everyone. Then we just started testifying, and then we kept on testifying. Holy moley. I have never felt something so strong in my entire life. Just telling you about it right now fills my heart and gives me goosebumps! I ended with my testimony of the Savior, and then we all just sat there in tears and in awe of how we felt.
Both couples so badly wanted to learn more and understand what they felt. Both referred, and both will be meeting with missionaries! Bill and Barb will be traveling for the next couple of weeks, but they asked me if they could have a Book of Mormon to read and help them prepare for when they meet with the missionaries. They also asked if I would call them a few times between now and the time they settle down in case they have questions and then to get their address for missionaries. I talked to them last night, and it was amazing. This gospel is true. It changes lifes if we are merely willing to let it.
We have seen multiple other miracles also. There have been those moments when I get discouraged for people not being receptive, but then I am reminded that "truth has never been dependent on the number who embrace it." Truth is truth and I know this gospel is true, no matter how many people laugh, walk away, or hang up a phone on me.
I know this with all my heart, and I know our Savior wants everyone to feel the way we all felt on that tour--pure joy and testimony in of His true and restored gospel.
I love you all so much, and I am still so happy!
-Sister Brett #3
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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