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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Greetings from Sister Brett #3

PARK CITY!!!! Yeah, once again life has outdone itself and I have been showered with the best start to transfer #3 I could've imagined! Sister Tyree has been sent outbound to Aneheim, California for 2 transfers, and Sister Barona is my new companion. We are in the same class (transfer) and she is from Lima, Peru. SAweet, I know. She speaks english, spanish and french and is so hilarious. I have loved her since the moment I met her in the MTC and I am SO excited to serve with her for a transfer at the largest tourist/skiing attraction in Utah!! Not to mention one of the most beautiful places I've seen in a very long time.

I'm not positive I have even told you about our Family Search Center up in Park City. Probably because I didn't really know anything about it... we only ever have one or two companionships that get to serve here every transfer and it is part of our Extended Zone (like Welfare Square and the Humanitarian Center are), but it's farther away and much smaller.

It is incredible though! It is just a small little shop on the tourist Main Street, with three stories--lowest level is the center with some computers and displays about Family History and how Jesus Christ and His gospel allow us to know that family relationships are eternal--2nd level is THE CUTEST apartment we are blessed to live in, and above us is where the senior couple lives (the Estes'). It is just this cute little cabin and I am SO excited to serve here.

Elder and Sister Taylor are the directors of this Visitors Center and they are incredible. We got here late last night, and Sister Barona and I have Preparation Day today so they took us shopping, out to lunch and up to the Olympic Park for a tour! We learned about all the Winter Olympic sports and went up to the top of all the 2002 Olympic jumps and race tracks (for skiing, luge, skeleton and bobsled). SO COOL. SO HIGH. And incredibly beautiful.

As sister here we will be in the Center most of every day helping our guests with Family History!!! Tell Uncle Russ I terribly regret not spending more time getting geneology pointers from him, but I am SO excited for everything I am going to learn this transfer! I am especially grateful because I do have such a stronge testimony about the reality the temple and how the ordinances within allow us the opportunity to have an eternal family. President Holmes told us that serving up here will allow us to better come to understand the pupose of temple work and to feel connected to our ancestors in a way we could never imagine. "They (our ancestors) are truly urging us forward in this essential and eternal work!" he says.
We also have a call center-like the one in the MTC and on Temple Square, and we will spend a ton of time in there as well. I just love the call center. Miracles, I tell you.

We are expecting a whole TON of visitors in the next few weeks because the 'Sundance Film Festival' is up here next week and it draws up so many people---especially movie stars. Jeah. The sisters who just left said they have already seen a few movie stars who came into the center so we're excited to keep a look out for Hollywood's finest so we can share the gospel with them! ;)

I cannot wait for the new adventure that awaits this transfer. I'm not on the Square, but I know I'm exactly where the Lord needs me right now and I am more than happy to be here.

I love you all so much and it was great to hear from everyone this week! I finally got Jessie's letter and it was SO good. Jess, that poem about our family is great, I loved it and read it all the time :)


-Sister NayBrett#3

oh, and our address is still the same--they will figure out a way to get the Park City mail up to us. I love you Mom and Poppy.

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