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Monday, January 4, 2010

Working in a Winter Wonderland from Jenae Brett

Hello Family!

What a beautiful Thursday morning! And yes...very cold. We are blanketed in snow at the moment, and as much as I hate the cold, I can't seem to complain because it is just so darn pretty! Even better is we just got back from the Temple and I can't help but be happy after coming out of the temple!

First off...Alex Forsyth is 18?!?!?!?!? WHAT?!?! How in the WORLD did that happen? Tell Jess I simply won't allow it. Also, I hope Josie's solo-debute went amazing (actually, i know it did!). My address is still the same Momma, and I'm outside a lot but the scarf grandma gave me is keeping me un-frostbitten, so no worries. :) Oh, and I LOVE Sister Tyree. She is fairly opposite of me (quiet, shy, small, introvert) so I am learning and growing a ton! Together though, we are loving this season and loving being missionaries!

The Christmas season on Temple Square is incredible and we have new and exciting experiences each and every day. The highlight of this week is probably Rich and Protik. They came to SLC for a conference, but they both live in South Carolina.
Rich grew up in Vietnam and his mother is Buddhist, and Protik is from India and is Hindu (I hope I got that right...I think Hindu is the religion and Hindi is the people...).

Anyhow, I was on exchanges with Sister Donelly from Colorado, and we were about to go and close the Joseph Smith movie when we got a page to take a tour. We let them know our schedule and they said if they couldn't find other sisters they would page us back-and they did! We took the two around and taught them the history of Temple Square and basic doctrines of the church. It was going pretty normal up until the moment we asked them about their beliefs and religious backgrounds--then we saw miracles! Asking questions is SUCH an effective way to invite the Spirit and help others realize their testimony and the truth. Basically, it ended with us bearing our testimonies of eternal families and of the Book of Mormon. When we asked if they would like to learn more they both got HUGE smiles on their faces and said, 'YES! How?!" As I talked to Rich for a few more minutes after, he let me know that his father had a serious illness and he had been praying to God, "If there is a God" he said, to send peace and an answer. When he heard that families can be eternal his face lit up and he said he felt so happy and hopeful. He wants to find out how this is possible and how to get into the Temple! :) Protik was excited to read the Book of Mormon and learn more about the Resurrection, because his faith believes in reincarnation. He said it hasn't always sat right, and this may be his answer. haha, may be?!? Nay, I submit it is!

So, other than the million miracles, we also had an amazing zone conference this week. It was based completely on the birth, life and mission of our Savior Jesus Christ. The first class was about his birth. Sister Kai (one of the APs), asked me to tell the story of when I was born and what my parents/family did. I told her what I've been told multiple times--that the scream of joy that I came out a girl after 2 boys could be heard in China. She compared that to how joyous our screams of joy must have been when God sent our brother, Jesus Christ to earth to fulfill His mission. I bet we were among those herald angels singing! Then I thought more about that joy--I imagined, as I have many times, Jeremy shouting joy and jumping up and down when finding out our little Bella was actually a Kobe James Joseph! I wish I could've seen that! The joy that parents feel when holding their newborn in their arms must be incredible. A precious Spirit straight from God and entrusted in OUR stewardship. WOW. That is also a GREAT responsiblity! Can you even fathom what Mary must have felt as she and Joseph held their newborn baby, Savior of all mankind, in their arms in that manger? I sure can't. But I would imagine it was incredible....and probably a little bit overwhelming...

Christmas this year has taken on a whole new meaning, and the Spirit on Temple Square each day testifies boldly that Christ was born in Bethlehem to fulfill exactly what the Father sent Him to do. And He Did---and thank goodness for that! He is the reason Rich felt such hope and peace when he heard families can be eternal. Christ is the reason we can be forgiven of our mistakes and short-comings. And above all, He is the reason we are promised joy and blessings beyond compare if we endure this short life faithfully!

I love you all and I love this season! If you haven't already, PLEASE listen to the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional. It is such a great reminder of the wonderful reason for this season--our Savior, Jesus Christ.


-Sister Nay Brett#3

P.S. I saw Cammi Nelson from my BYU freshman ward and she goes into the MTC this week. (Croatia mission!) Tell Josh to keep an eye out for her and make sure she knows I love her!

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