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Friday, February 12, 2010

Last Preparation Day in PC from Sister Brett

Another great week in Park City! Our last week as a matter of fact :( It has truly been incredible though!

Sister Barona and I have seen God's hand left and right this week and we have laughed SO much while doing so.

To name just a few miracles:
*3 referrals in the center one day! AH jeah. That means we were able to invite 3 people to receive missionaries into their homes to teach them and they all said YES! (one's from Alabama, one from Oklahoma, and another from Australia). Sister Barona and I started out the week praying so hard that the Lord would prepare people to hear the gospel and to lead them into the Family Tree Center our last week here. We had faith He would, and we saw small ways in which He did, but these 3 were all so ready, and we were able to share our testimonies and invite the Spirit to touch their hearts. Now they and the missionaries who will visit their homes are in our every prayer! It is incredible how much a visitor's center or "finding mission" unites a missionary to the work all over the world. I find myself envisioning my friends and family members who have served or are serving in the places our guests come from. This also gives me a lot of peace. for example, a lady from Florida referred and wanted to hear more about God's plan for families---as much as I WISHED I could meet with her again and teach her, I pictured Sister Zitting (who is serving in Florida) going to her home and teaching her and my heart was immediately at peace. Whether they are from Europe, South America, Canada, New York or Park City itself, I know Heavenly Father has His best forces out all over the world, and remembering my friends serving in all those places helps me know He is truly looking out for His children in all corners of the vineyard! I can't wait for all those missionaries to meet with the incredible people I have met this transfer and share with them the best news ever!!!

*Also, an great tool we are blessed with is the call center. Sister Barona is only supposed to be able to get incoming Spanish calls, but lately she's been receiving a lot of calls from the southern states. Haha, she has the most difficult time with southern accents--she said to me the other day about a man who called in, "Sister, I didn't know if he was talking or if he was rapping." She also thinks a rapper's accent and a southern belle's accent sound the same...haha, we're working on that one :) Anyhow, each and every call she has received from the south she passes to me in a panick so I can get their information and invite them, and all but one of those callers have accepted missionaries to come into their homes and share with them a message about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. We aren't sure why these calls have come through her Spanish line to us, but it has been a source of great joy, opportunity, and definitely a lot of laughs!

*Yesterday I got a Valentines package and a beautiful letter from the best two Mom's around--Mama Brett and Mama Barnes. Man, not many sisters are lucky enough to claim the letter/package-love and prayer-strength that comes from TWO faithful mothers in Zion. I am so blessed, thank you both.

Today Sister Taylor took us on an extra-special-last-Prep-Day-in-Park-City. First we went bowling...I still can't even get close to Grandma Butters skill, but I did get 3 spares! I also met a young man from Moldova, which is right by Romania! When I was in Romania, we actually went there for a mission/surrounding branch conference. I talked to him for a bit, and it amazes me the circumstances he has overcome to be here. There are a lot of young kids (about my age) working up here in Park City for 3 month periods from other countries, and it's been neat to meet them all. Belin, who works in the deli next door, is from Uraguay. From the first time we met her we knew she was special, and our goal was to get missionaries to her...then, she beat us to it and ASKED for a Book of Mormon in Spanish! oh, and one for her grandmother too. Ha, OF COURSE we said yes, and she was SO excited to hear that we have Spanish Elders up here in park City who are visiting her now! YEAH!!!

We also went snow-intertubing at a special place for it here in Park City. Oh man, that was a BLAST. Sister Barona couldn't wipe the smile off her face and she kept saying "I can't believe this is really happening! I didn't even know people did this!" If I can get it to work I'll send pictures or video.

We surely love the work and we are going to miss it in Park City! We have transfer conference this coming Monday again, so we'll see what happens--maybe we'll get to stay together and serve on the Square! I don't know when my next preparation day is, but until then, I am praying for ya'll!

I love being a missionary.


-Sister Brett #3

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