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Friday, February 12, 2010

Love you ALL!!! from Jenae Brett

Hello All!
I have all of 12 minutes to try and crank out an email...So, let me begin by simply stating that being a missionary is the greatest gig ever. I am getting to the point in my mission where I am starting to understand why missionaries oftentimes dread going home (no offense of course), and also why they so often come home extremely awkward...

This week I noticed that I have built-in companion radar—(making sure Sister Barona is within sight and sound)--Which proves to be a difficult task in a multi-level genealogy center. I also have found myself automatically stepping back from anyone male. After I got asked for my number a few weeks ago for the 2nd time (uh, awkward? Yes.), I’ve been careful to make sure I am sending off the right vibe that I am a missionary of the Lord…not just a nice genealogy consultant that would maybe go out on a date next Friday night. AKA: boys have cooties again. Haha, I also find myself trying to cut out slang and casual words—especially after one of the newer Mongolian sisters picked up, “dang, that is just so chill” and “sweet, eh?” from me last transfer…

Anyhow, my point is that I really love being a missionary, and I don’t even want to imagine this coming to an end. My favorite part of course, are the people we work with and share the gospel with everyday. This past week I worked with a young man named William for HOURS trying to find information about his family. He lives in Florida, but he was born, and his family is from the Netherlands. We were fairly (okay, extremely) unsuccessful in locating ancestors, but the entire time we searched I just prayed and prayed Heavenly Father would help me bridge to a gospel discussion smoothly and with the Spirit. As I did so the Spirit led me to ask about his religion He is a Messianic Jew by heritage and believes in Christ (ah, jeah), but he was obviously looking for something that fit him a little bit better. When we started talking about the basic teachings of Christ’s restored Gospel his face lit up and the Spirit testified to both our hearts that Heavenly Father truly has a plan for each and every one of us. William was so excited to hear that there are missionaries in Orlando who can come and teach him more, and I wish I could be a fly on the wall as those missionaries begin to teach William—he is so prepared!
Sister Barona and I are loving Park City, and can’t believe how quickly time is going. Last week we made a Peruvian dinner at Sister Taylor’s house—YUMMMMMMMM. It was the two of us, Elder and Sister Estes and Elder and Sister Taylor. As we sat at dinner we began talking about what we loved about one another, and I realized these 5 people have become just like family. I cannot wait for you all to meet them, what incredible people.

I love you all and I was so bummed to hear everyone is taking turns with whatever sickness you are passing around! Get better fast—especially Britt and Kobe!

-Sister Nay Brett#3

P.S. Mom and Dad, you each sent me an address for Bonnie and Jeff, but they are different. Do they live in Ogden or pleasantview? Thank you!

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