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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just hanging out with The Brethren, HAPPY EASTER!!!, from Sister Brett

Hello beautiful family and Happy almost Easter and New PDAY! We have preparation day on Friday now, so that's when my emails will be headed your way.

My first two days in the office have been the longest yet most wonderful days of my mission thus far! We welcomed the new sisters from the MTC at 7am on Wednesday morning, and literally haven't breathed since. Working on schedules for 200 sister missionaries while also trying to take care of the crowds here for conference has been a challenge, but wonderful. I have a perpetual migrane from overworking my little brain, but we can't slow up because this is a HUGE weekend and such an incredible chance to do the Lord's work. I cannot believe conference starts tomorrow!!!! YESSSSSSSS.

Speaking of conference....oh man, I don't even know where to start...

Well, yesterday (April 1st) I woke up and it was already a GREAT day because it was my best friend's birthday (Elder Barnes)...then, we had the incredible privelege of going with the Assistants and one other companionship to help serve lunch to the 1st Presidency, the 12 apostles and Quorum of the 70 between their general conference training meetings at the Church Office Building. Yes, you read that right, yesterday I personally met President Monson, his counselors and many other men called to lead the Church and work of our Savior Jesus Christ! I can't even begin to explain what an incredible experience that was.

The first general authority I met was President Eyring while I was putting punch out. Definitely not a situation I ever expected! He walked right up to me, shook my hand, asked where I was from and thanked us for all our service. I just smiled like a child who had just recieved the best Christmas present ever and said, "...Hi President Eyring...oh, you are welcome....our pleasure!" as if that were a normal sentence to come from my mouth. Pah!

Then, we served and mingled with them for an hour or so as they ate. It was such a neat sight to see because the Presidency and 12 apostles were spread out at the tables among the 70 and some other auxilary leaders, and they just seemed like they were all so happy and content to be together preparing for general conference. As we walked around and helped, they'd talk to us and joke with us---Elder Perry and Elder Holland were especially firecrackers yesterday to us 6 sisters, haha. Then as they began to filter back to their meetings I ran into the 70 from, or over, Riga, Latvia and said "hello" and "thank you" to him in Russian....the only 2 Russian words I know. He seemed pleasantly surprised and responded with a "No, no, no, thank you!" I was tempted to ask him if he knew an incredible Elder who served in Riga for a while, but decided he was probably a little bit busy. ;) Elder Bednar's table stayed an extra 20 or so minutes and Elder Bednar was just teaching the gospel like no one's business. I heard him say, "alright...you study that and so will I, then give me your address and I'll send you my notes." I want to be on that mailing list...

The icing on top came as we were cleaning dishes in the kitchen and President Uchdorf came in, said hi and thanked us, then about 12 minutes later President Monson came in! Actually, it was more like he waltzed in like he owned the place and then he met and gathered us 6 sisters around him and just began sharing stories and talking with us as if he had all the time in the world. He stayed there and talked to us for almost half an hour. He told us about the first time he saw his dear wife Francis and how the only thing he could think to say to her was that her middle name was spelled wrong in the ward directory, haha!!! Needless to say he got up the courage to ask her out. He told us the story that I know you have all heard, about when he met her parents. He came to pick her up for their first date, and upon meeting Francis' dad he ran and got a picture of 2 young missionaries, asking if he was related to the one with his same name. President Monson said it was his grandfather's brother. Because of that missionary (Pres. Monson's great-uncle) all of Francis' family had joined the church, and when they had made this connection her parents both gave President Monson a huge hug and kiss. "Most guys can't say that they got a hug and a kiss from their girl's parents before they even got one from her!" President Monson exclaimed with joy. It was hilarious and he just went on and on about stories from him joining the Navy and leaving his angel, but then eventually returning and marrying her forever. He spoke so fondly of her, and got very sad when he talked about her not feeling well right now. "She promised that she will be right next to me at conference though! Oh, my dearest angel."

It was fun to watch, because when he told these stories it was as if he were right back in 1945 reliving it all, but then he would jump back to reality, look you straight in the eye and say something like, "Sister, decisions determine destiny, every single one." I had to keep pinching myself because I just couldn't believe I was standing there with a Prophet of God hearing his love story and life advice. Even more, when he looked you in the eye, there is no dispute he holds God's authority, ALL of God's authority. It put a whoel new perspective to me on the saying "Eyes are the wondow to one's soul." That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I will never forget exactly how I felt.

Family, I know Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called to witness of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that his counselors, the 12 apostles and all the other leaders and worthy priesthood holders in this church truly have the authority to act in the name of our Savior for our salvation. This weekend we will be priveleged to hear, through His called servant's, God's instruction for us TODAY. He loves us! So much that He still is sharing with us how we can receive the greatest happiness possible. This truth is proven, above all else, in the beautiful plan He set up for us which is centered on His Son Jesus Christ. This Easter weekend please don't forget about why we are celebrating. President Monson told us that in the Sunday morning session he will be speaking on the Resurrection, and he so humbly said "I think it should be good." Our living prophet will be reminding us of that Sunday morning so many years ago when our personal Savior overcame death, spiritual AND physical, so that we can do the same. What incredible news! He LIVES! I pray every day that we live worthy of this knowledge, and now we have to tell the world!!!

I love you all so much, this weekend will be incredible!


-Sister Nay Brett#3

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