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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Details from Sister Brett

Hello family and friends,

What a beautiful week to be alive!

I don't even know where to begin. Let me just say that conference was an incredible experience--never has a general conference been so exciting/exhilarating/tiring/happy in my whole life! We set goals as a mission before conference as to how many referrals we would be able to receive, and God was definitely aware of us! We decided that we would be able to get at least 3,000 referrals (names and numbers of friends and family w/out the gospel for us to call and share the gospel with) from all of the members. That was a pretty hefty goal seeing as last conference (while I was in the MTC) we were able to get about 2,203 as a mission (3 over the set goal). Anyhow, I have never seen the sisters in this mission work as hard (or look as beautiful ;) as this past conference weekend. The Square was buzzing, the loudspeakers were booming the conference talks and Tab music across the grounds, and the Spirit of missionary work was THICK. OOO, I LOVED IT. I thought several times as we were contacting of what an incredible mission this is. Nowhere else in the world can you look in every direction and see sister missionaries and couple missionaries at work and in the midst of building the Lord’s Kingdom. It really was a sight to see.
Another sight to see was MY BEST FRIENDS!!! Andrea, Holly and Garrett found me and I thought I would faint for joy. It was the first time I’ve seen them yet and I just couldn’t imagine life getting any better at that moment. It was a blessing to see so many familiar faces from BYU and pre-mission life (Andrea would laugh that I saw the Rhoads from Platos Closet and John Campbell, haha), and they all helped us out with missionary work as well So good.
Above all else however, were how prepared the members came this conference. Sister Johnson and I were literally floating when we had members offer us referrals and missionary opportunities without us even asking (yet)! For example, there is one RM who is going to college here and he comes to Temple Square all the time. A few weeks ago I challenged him to go through all his missionary planners and find 3 people for me to call and reinvite to have missionaries. He was way excited with that idea and promised he would. Well…on Sunday between sessions we were just contacting when he came and found us. He had a huge smile on his face when he pulled out a list of about 24 people for me to call that he knew/taught from his mission in California but never knew what became of them. “And I’ve only gone through 2 of my planners so far Sister Brett!” haha, jeah. It was so wonderful, and 3 of the people I have called thus far from that list were so excited to welcome the missionaries back into their home and learn more about the message we carry. I even called one woman named Sheila, and she got baptized after Logan had finished his mission! Talk about planting seeds. It was so neat to talk to her and she said something really true, “I’ve been so blessed because so many people didn’t ever drop the ball when it comes to me learning the truth—Elder Nikolas is obviously one of them, tell him thank you a hundred times over!” We can't ever drop the ball when it comes to inviting others to learn about our Savior's gospel!
The urgency of this message is really starting to catch on to the saints and it was proven this weekend!
At 9pm on Sunday evening we had a mission meeting in the Tabernacle with the Sisters and President and Sister Holmes' family (they have 12 grown and married children so their family is large!)—yes, once again I was overcome with gratitude. We met at the end of the 180th conference in the original conference center where the pioneers heard the words of living prophets. Wow. Anyhow, the purpose was to account for the work we had done during conference and to see if our goal was met. Our goal was 3,000 referrals, but guess how many souls/families will be invited to accept the gospel because of the incredible members this conference?....4,782!!!!! Yes, it was a miracle and God was definitely in every aspect of it.
The work continues onward though as we call, teach, testify and invite all of these individuals---and once again they are proving to be prepared. The field is WHITE!!! BEAUTIFUL.

I love this work on Temple Square. We were able to see one session of conference, the Sunday morning, where President Monson spoke of the hope provided through the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, just as he had promised. This is truly the greatest hope we have, and I am so thankful for this Easter season to remind and renew that hope.

I love you all so much, thank you for your prayers, letters, packages(thanks Momma!), hugs (Andrea and Holly), smiles (Gary), and hard work in living according to the knowledge we have been so greatly blessed with.
All my love and prayers,

-Sister Brett#3

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