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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Mon, Mar 8

Dear Family,

Did you know that is a holiday? It might be a Europe thing, because they definitely celebrate it here. I think it was mentioned in every testimony in the Russian branch yesterday, and then to cap off priesthood, the branch president gave every male member three flowers and we stormed the end of Relief Society. It was a very thoughtful gesture, and they all really appreciated it. Church yesterday went really really well, and we had a record number of investigators there, ironically the majority being woman! One was a 55 year old lady from England who's name is Nadja. She has read the entire Book of Mormon, loves it, and came to the church because it was called the Church of Jesus Christ, and really likes that the members are all so happy. One of the only set-backs with her is that she feels bad when she comes to church because she always starts crying a lot. Especially when people start "talking about Jesus Christ." I told her yesterday that that is not a bad thing-- it's actually very good! She's a great woman though and I think she'll keep progressing-- we only taught her last week for the first time (outside of England) and she already knows and believes a lot. We also had two new investigators come, Ludmila and her friend Lena. They are both not too young, at least in their 70s, but extremely sharp and in tune with the spirit. It was actually a miracle how we found Ludmila-- last saturday we were standing in line at the ATM to pull out money to pay rent and there was this kind elderly woman right behind us. We sparked up a small conversation and she said that things weren't going too well because her good friend had passed away the week earlier. We asked her if she thought about the questions "where are we from, why are we where, and where are we going". She said yes. We offered to meet up on a different day and she was more than happy. During the lesson she listened really closely and was amazed at our church and what we were doing--she said that she'd love to come to church and would bring one of her friends. She came to church yesterday, brought Lena and they both really enjoyed it. During the testimonies she kept leaning over making comments. "That is so true." , "She's Beautiful" and at the end she was astonished at how every was speaking "so well." Afterwards a lot of the members came up to introduce themselves and welcome them. It felt like a story straight out preach my gospel. I think there's a really good shot they will get baptized. They won't be the most young, hip members of the branch, but they will join the "Bab Squad." That's the endearing term for the 5-7 extremely faithful older single woman who attend the branch every sunday. They are are great friends, and support and strengthen each other.

Another man named Karl is a referral from a strong member in the Russian, Imanta (riga) Branch. Karl's father is latvian, and his mother is Estonian, and his native language is Russian, but he speaks Estonian, and a little english and latvian. He's a good, smart guy who used to build planes, but is a little down because he's been without work for a while and is having some family troubles. But he loved church and also made a comment that every one is so nice and happy. My testimony of how the gospel blesses families has strengthened for a few reasons-- first, so many of the people here who struggle with family probably would not be struggling nearly as badly if they were living the gospel. Secondly, the church here provides a place for those without a loving family environment to come and have a branch that will love and support them. The gospel is just so good!

Speaking of families-- we are teaching Fred and Maris (that I think I mentioned last week) who came to church yesterday, want to be baptized the last week-end of March and then get married in the temple (in a year)! They have yet to be legally married, like many of the couples here, but consider themselves as husband and wife and are willing to get married in order to get baptized. They are a young, (early 30s) really sweet couple; smart, responsible and always smiling. I don't understand what they say because it's in Estonian, but it must be good stuff because they are great!

Last week in Riga went really well, I saw some pictures of Roman who got baptized by Igor! They are both investigators that we taught in Riga, and they looked really really good. Apparently Igor really wanted to get Roman a gift, but he didn't have much to spend so he got him a stuffed animal dog that you can get at the Kiosks after buying a certain number of bus tickets! Hahaha, I love those guys so much and it's so sweet to see them strengthen the church.

Miracles are happening every day, and I am so grateful for your prayers. I feel them, and they help me keep on keeping on! I am a wucky guy. And a very happy one!

Love, Elder Barnes #12

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