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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOVE YOU from Sister Brett

Tue, Mar 9

Hey beautiful family!
Hokay, this is going to be quick. We just finished setting up Sister Sundaram's new email address so we just have a few minutes. That may be why I didn't get the other messages though Momma--the old ldsmail accounts are all being deleted and we have new emails. All the messages are supposed to be forwarded, but the old system is a little wacko. But my new email is jenae.brett@myldsmail.net --and no, I wasn't allowed to choose it obviously.

Hey, yet another great week in the life of "Elder Nay" as grandpa would call me. We had sort of a slow, tough week after so many miracles the first few weeks, but God is always aware of us and yesterday lifted our spirits with a few incredible tours and families who are so ready to receive the gospel. I love it when we can take families or couples around and they refer because that is when the gospel of Jesus Christ can make the most incredible impact on us eternally--when the whole family accepts and lives it together.

I love serving with Sister Sundaram. She is so sweet and works so hard. Not to mention she's teaching me how to cook INCREDIBLE Indian food. Curry (Dal Sambar) last week, Papad/Dal this week. mmmmm. But goodness, I can't imagine being in her shoes (she honestly has the most incredible life story...as do all my companions), and her faith and persistence has really carried us through tough rejections lately. We've had some incredible contacts and tours where the Spirit is so strong that we are all in tears, but then they would still say no thanks when we gave them the chance to learn more! WHAT?! In Preach My Gospel it says that some people will reject our message even after they have had a spiritual witness it is true. But dang, it's one thing to read that, and another to experience it. It just makes me so sad. So sad for what they are missing out on. Just the other day we were in the call center, going on our 3rd hour calling and I leaned over and said, "Sister, how ya doing?" With her adorable Indian accent S.Sundaram replied, "Oh Sister Brett, no one is pick uping, and if they do i get hunged up. This hard." We talked and decided that even though it was hard we were going to give it our very best, pray for and invite every person we called, and then have faith the Lord will be able to use us for helping at least someone come closer to Him. Needless to say, that's exactly what happened. As we were leaving the call center a woman from Iowa named Marcia walked up to us and asked if we could take her on a tour. Uh, DUH. :) We took her to the historical buildings, and then into the South Visitor's center which talks about the Temple and families. When we told her that inside the Temple you would never hear the phrase "Till death do you part" but rather "For Time and All Eternity" she started crying and said "really? How?" we shared our testimonies of eternal families and how the authority to bind families eternally has truly been restored. She was incredible and I cannot wait for the missionaries to visit and teach her more.

I love this work. Even when it's hard, I know God is aware of us and I know He is in the middle of all we do. Jessica's letter this week and Grandma Bear and Mom's emails were even answers to prayers. I had been yelled at on the phone and heard words I forgot existed (and wish I hadn't have been reminded), then rejected on the Square, then Sister Sundaram got really sick and I was really scared, but one of the Sisters handed me Jessie's letter, and I read the emails and the feeling of love and support once again reminded me that I'm not alone, we are never alone! What an incredible message. And I know it is true.

I love you all!!! Happy birthday to my big brother and little sister in these coming weeks!!! Dang, we are all getting old... Jess, you simply can't graduate, I won't have it. Remember prom last year and how Jess woke up and I was magically in her bed after the LONGEST drive home from Utah ever? (Dad and I had some car trouble...) haha, I love life.

and I love you all. so much.

-Sister Nay#3

Tell Josie I'll be cheering her on from here all Thursday long!!! She'll be the best Baloo any jungle has ever seen!!! Make sure to send a few pictures of her big debute.

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