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Monday, March 22, 2010

part II

Hey again! Okay where was I... oh yeah- Karl! He's the investigator who's a refeferral from a member in Riga. He's come to church the past three weeks, and we've started to teach him with the branch mission leader here and last Friday we taught him the second half of the "gospel of Jesus Christ" and it was super powerful. We've invited him to be baptized a few times already but he always says that he needs to learn more first. During the lesson we asked him if he believed Joseph Smith was a prophet- and he said I'm not sure. So then we asked him if he believed the book of mormon (which he's been reading a lot, and really enjoys) and he says, yeah, everything that's written in there is all correct. So we read the introduction to the book of mormon-- which is so inspired and clear-- and he made the connection. So we invited him again and he said yes! It really has been neat to see the way the Lord has prepared Karl throughout his life to except the gospel-- the crucial part being played by the examples of members and how the gospel has blessed their lives and brought happiness. Karl always talkes about how the members are so happy and how everything worked out for his friend in Riga. Karl will be a great addition to the branch-- and I'm looking forward to seeing the way the gospel will bless him. I read something in preach my gospel a few days ago that I really like. "As people are taught the gospel and live it, their needs will be met." It's so simple and so true. You put God and your family first, and do your best to live the gospel, and everything else will work out.

I mentioned that we found some cool people on the streets sunday evening but what I forgot to say is where they are from--one is named Varoon from India and the other is Chen from Nanjing, China! Hahah i was so happy to somehow have connections to those places, and I even got to use some chinese with Chen. "shei-shei." One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 26:37, it shows that God takes care of us, no matter where we are. That's so true! And I love that I get to help others come to know that.

I love you and please pass a big hello to all of the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents in Utah!

Love,Elder Barnes #12

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