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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

RE: Hi from home :-), from Sister Brett

Heya Family and Best Friends!

So good to hear all the happenings on the home front! I forget how crazy busy life always was in our home growing up with family, school, work, sports, dance, music, etc...but it's so fun to be reminded of it and to see that the little sisters are carrying on the tradition! Yeah Josie! Oh that little ham, I just love her :)
I totally understand how Jessie feels too. Senior year was incredible, but that itching to get off to college gets worse and worse until the day it finally comes! Speaking of college, Sister Beylis (my trainer from Israel/Russia) found out this week that she is accepted into BYU-Idaho like Jessie!!! She hasn't heard from Provo yet, but either way she's staying close. YEAH!!!
The work is still going great. The sunshine has been coming more often (although the rain and even snow like to "dampen" every few days still ;). The sun brings more people here though, and it's also been spring break for a lot of Universities so we're getting a whole ton of opportunities to share the gospel with people our age! Sister Sundaram and I cannot wait for conference, we're hoping we will stay together because conference is right at the beginning of next transfer. We'll see though! Time is going by really fast this transfer, does it feel like it's going fast to you too?
We met an incredible guy named Brandon last night. He was here with a few friends and his brother for skiing and they thought they'd stop by Temple Square for a few minutes. He asked if we could show them the tabernacle, and of course we said yes! It was hard at the beginning though because they were wearing sunglasses so I couldn't read their eyes. Eyes are such a HUGE part of knowing if someone is or will be receptive to our message. That whole light of christ thing is REAL, very real. But luckily they took off the glasses in the tabernacle, and as we started to teach the history of our church and about prophets Brandon watched and listened SO intently He had one of those soft looks the whole time where he would meet your eyes and you knew he knew this was something special we were sharing. Neat guy, incredible experiences. God is definitely blessing us. Of course with more good comes more bad and opposition, but we're gonna win the fight either way so we just love 'em anyway!
This past week The 12th day of the 3rd month came about and it was GREAT! In the morning we went and played soccer with 12 sisters, and as I was there I realized I was the only sister from the USA. Same thing in the temple this morning--I looked around at some of my now dearest friends and realized they are from all over the world! India, Germany, Pakistan, Mexica, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Russia, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, Africa, Tahiti, Jamaica, and the list goes on. The gospel is truly spreading all around the world, and my best friends and companions here are perfect proof! This is an incredible mission and I love the sisters I am serving with so much. What an honor we all have to represent our countries and our Savior at the headquarters of His Church.
I also daily grow in my knowledge and testimony of a living Savior who loves us all so much. This work is incredible and we are so blessed to be on the forces bringing it about in the last days! It's so real and it's so incredible!

I love you all and your prayers are felt every single day.

-Sister nay Brett#3

P.S. Yep! Elyse and Peter Barnes both have birthdays in 12 or so days! And can you believe that this time next year we could be having that long-awaited Barnes v. Brett basketball game?!?! Keep up the skills siblings, we're gonna womp on 'em. ;)

P.S.S. The pictures attached are of my comp and roommates--Sister Kao(Taiwain), Laurente(Phillipines), Sundaram(India). Yes, our house always smells like very foreign food. We also went to East Hish School (where High School Musical was filmed, so I'll send pictures of that soon!

P.S.S.S. Tell Britt and Jer and Kobe to get better! Tell Jess to have an incredible last day of childhood, tell Josie to keep holding down the fort...or raising the roof, either one works, tell the grandparents I love them beyond reason, and Mom give Dad a kiss, and Dad give Mom a kiss for me. I love you all

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